Workshop: New European Bauhaus on the Danube

A kick-off event with actors from the Danube countries

Project status
Time span
Ulm, Germany

With a selected group of experts, we exchanged early ideas and discussed individual approaches and interests regarding the EU-New European Bauhaus-intiviative, focussing on the Danube-area. 

Dr. Bálint Bachmann, architect and rector, Budapest
Dániel Baló, architect, Budapest
Ilinca Păun Constantinescu, architect and urbanist, Bucharest
Ivan Kucina, architect and activist, Belgrade / Rome / Weimar
Prof. Peter Langer, cultural manager, Ulm
Ton Matton, urbanist and activist, Wendorf
Dr. Márton Méhes, cultural manager, Vienna / Budapest
Ulrich Schwarz, landscape ecologist and cartographer, Vienna