Picking up speed: NEBoD becomes NEBLab

The New European Bauhaus on the Danube (NEBoD) initiative has officially been accepted as a “LAB” by the New European Bauhaus on EU level in June 2023.

We are proud to announce, that the New European Bauhaus on the Danube (NEBoD) initiative has officially been accepted as a “LAB” by the New European Bauhaus on EU level. This status is reserved for co-operative and co-productive groups of people, who propose a convincing agenda, have succeeded in weaving together a substantial and diverse stakeholder network and display a plausibly work plan to foster the NEB agenda.

13 countries in the Danube Region come together in the stakeholder network. We will draw inspiration from this strong and expandable base to start concrete local activities, participate in EU funding calls and set up a conference series.

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