Ivan Kucina

is an urban architect and academic at the Hochschule Anhalt University of applied Sciences in Dessau, Germany (Bauhaus School). Ivan, who graduated at the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade, Serbia, started teaching back in 1996. He used to run interdisciplinary architectural and design practice in Belgrade with projects ranging from urban design and buildings to exhibition design and furniture. Since 2014 he lives with his family in Rome, Italy.

During the last years he has frequently commuted between Rome and Dessau, connecting in his journeys two well-known architectural monuments – Saint Peter Cathedral and Bauhaus School. Apparently, the more he was observing their eternal magnificence his architecture curiosity was going beyond their building glory into a vague space of relationships made by the concurrent interactions between people, material things, and immaterial stimuli. All together these interactions generate multitude of diverse situations that are recreating heterogeneous and vivid living environment. The concept of architecture that employs the interactivity as a force identifies environment as a complex, dynamic and open-ended system of relationships that are permanently transforming. Sustainability of such environmental system is embedded in the criteria ofmental, social and physical ecology. Developing capacity to coordinate and synchronize diversity, to incorporate many unpredictable rhythms, to make choices in the multiplicity, to groove and to make shift in reality, are the propositions for his architectural engagement.

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