Ute Margarete Meyer

is Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Energy Engineering and Professor of Urban Design at Biberach University of Applied Sciences. A particular focus of her work is interdisciplinary research on sustainable urban and landscape development. In over fifteen years of professional experience, she has initiated and led numerous urban projects at different scales and for different clients.

is an urbanist and architect. She is Professor of Urban Design and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Biberach University of Applied Sciences. In 2018 she founded the urbanes.land think-and-do tank to work on perspectives for semi-urban/rural territories, peripheries and metropolitan fringes. urbanes.land works as an academic but also independent non-for profit organisation based in Stuttgart/Berlin/Zurich on the relation of spatial, finance and governance issues. A special focus of the team is on cartography, techniques of futuring and the use of social media in communication pactices. Ute has studied in Stuttgart, Rome, New York City and London and holds master and executive degrees from Columbia University and the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has led research projects for Federal Ministries (BMBF, BBSR), the Future City Initiative, Wüstenrot and HfG Ulm Foundations, consultancy projects for Perspective.Brussels, the Eurocities Metropolitan Areas Working Group or the Greater London Authority’s Royal Docks Team among others and is an LSE Cities Network member.

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